Monday 10 September 2012

2 "I need it!"

We've all heard it before. Every so now and then a friend or family will skip their workout simply because they forgot to bring their gear or don't have the latest supplements, gear or fitness accessory. Is it really that important?

This topic isn't so much about helping you all to learn something, but rather to address a common excuse we all may have come across. After some discussion over the weekend with a Social sciences and psychology graduate; Jenny Hsieh about the popular belief that one needs something to do a certain activity, I have noticed myself and many others struggling with skipping daily routines or sessions by simply forgetting or not owning the little things. 

"I need it!", a popular phrase used by many to skip a workout or training session. I have been guilty of this phrase, personally using it as an excuse to skip a session or two... 

Psychology addresses this with identifying what is a need and what is a want. Jenny mentioned that people frequently link materialistic goods as a source of security to appear higher in the social hierarchy or simply feel a sense of belonging, this ties into self-esteem as one may perceive themselves to be alike their peers. In the end, the gear, accessories and brands aren’t really a need but a want of being socially accepted; or feeling secure about ones different body by wearing gear that have a sporty stigma attached.

"…people normally use materialistic goods as a form of security tool, to feel good about themselves in a trendy piece of fitness gear or accessory, supplements are consumed with a a similar approach in many individuals, to feel good and believe they are 'healthy'."-Jenny Hsieh

During the discussion about psychological ties with goods and certain activities, I personally tend to purchase sporting gear and accessories based on brands, visual appeal, and trends. I've had the tendency to skip routines and workout sessions because I simply forgot something that was not actually necessary for the workout session. Such as forgetting to bring hand wraps to a boxing session and I simply left after ten minutes, forgot my trainers at the tracks but later on I discovered my love for barefoot and minimalistic training, lost a glove and forgot supplements during a workout session and continued anyway. Guilty, I really am. I had left and skipped a number of workouts in fear of looking 'silly' without my gear. In fact, you won't. The gear doesn't always mean you are a pro or that you know your stuff, but it's just a piece of equipment to help you excel and enhance your performance, with some added risk prevention.

I believe there is too much for me to tell you all. The reason for this post is for all of you to reconsider your options the next time you forget something or don't have. Do you REALLY need it? Yes, not having some gear and equipment may have you open to injury or reduce your performance. At times it really isn't necessary and wouldn't make much of a difference. A slight change in your routine won't hurt, at least you have been productive and done something to help you be closer to your goal.  

Some ideas...
Cycling or going for a run? There are countless free, yes I mean FREE, online programs that help you record and calculate your workouts, with maps and stats provided. Such as or Both programs are available on Android and ios. Record, map, plan, challenge friends, even without a smartphone. It’s all too easy. There are many more free resources at your disposal.

No runners? Try going for a run at the local cricket field, make sure you scour the ground for hazardous sharps and items before you dash about. Same can be applied for swimming, you can always use different strokes to avoid being submerged into the water when you forget your goggles.

There are many more other examples that also work when one does not have the latest gear or simply just left it somewhere.

Forgot your clothes? Yeah... go back home. 

So how do you approach a workout when you don't have the gear?


  1. So recently I've worn out my flat tracks. Can't really get a new pair until next month and i certainly don't want to train barefoot. Help pls. Thx.

  2. Hello Jen,

    Thank you for your question.
    I am glad that you are still sticking to your training routine even with a pair of worn out tracks.

    I have tried training at the track with cheap pair of canvas shoes from K-Mart. Not so great when the track is wet, but does quite the job. Flexible, light and cheap! From $3 you could get yourself a nice pair to last you for one or two weeks. Just take extra care on heel strikes as the canvas shoes aren't supportive enough and aim for more fore-foot activity.

    But as always, train safely. It isn't really a pair of high quality shoes and it isn't intended for tough use. Please take care when using canvas shoes or other substitutes.

    I hope this helped.



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