Monday 3 September 2012

5 Somatotypes

This week I'd like to dive a little deeper in addressing what YOU as an individual wish to achieve.
Last week, we talked about some snacking tips and facts to help kickstart your journey in being a healthier 'you'. This week, lets talk about constitution types, somatotypes or more commonly known as the body type. This post will help you identify and address what type of somatotype you are and thus hopefully will help direct all of you to a routine that is fit for you and your goals.

What is body type?
Definition of natural physique. Based on our natural shape and figure, there are three primary body types. Consisting of Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph types of bodies.

Ectomorphs are small jointed, light and have little or very lean muscle. Ectomorphs have elongated limbs with thing shoulders and width.
Key attributes of a Ectomorph:
-Very fast metabolism
-Flat chested
-Small Shoulders
-Delicate physique
-Little and lean muscle

Mesomorphs lie between both Ectomorph and Endomorph. Having muscles and bones that are larger in structure. Naturally strong and find it easier then Ectomorphs and Endomorphs to manage weight gain or loss.
Key attributes of a Mesomorph
-Broad shoulders
-Rectangular physique
-Management of muscle v fat ratio is relatively easier then the other two body types
-Greater muscle definition and mass.

Endomorphs are relatively larger in mass and have a lower muscle v fat ratio. Endomorphs appear soft and gain fat very easily, generally appears to be stocky, shorter build with thick arms and legs.
Key attributes of a Endomorph
-Round body with soft muscle definition
-Muscle v fat ratio gained easily together
-Slow metabolism
-Weight management is generally difficult

The three definitions of body types do not completely define ones body type. Some can have a combination of body types. Both men and women should not be ashamed of who they are, but use their natural physique to their advantage.

Previously we talked about speeding up metabolism by substituting processed snacks with nuts and berries. Boosting metabolic rate and daily nutrient intake, snacking on berries and nuts is great for all somatotypes. Along with a balanced diet and fitted exercise plan. Snacking can help Endomorphs lose weight by speeding up the metabolic rate and pumping muscles full of nutrients at the same time satisfying hunger. Ectomorphs can constantly fuel their body full of nutrients to stimulate intake absorption and supply nutrients to their muscles for mass gain. Where as Mesomorphs can undertake the latter depending on their goals.

Ectomorphs are advised to gain muscle mass and definition, as Ectomorphs tend to have a fragile skeletal structure, muscle mass and definition can reduce Ectomorph's musculoskeletal injuries. Endurance weight training should be incorporated for best mass gain. Followed by a high protein and calorie diet that is nutritious and full of vitamins for muscle development. Cardiovascular heavy exercises are recommended to be kept to a minimum excluding HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), an explosive workout, pumping the muscles for effective mass gain.

Mesomorphs are naturally neutral with a fair muscle v fat ratio, Mesomorphs benefit from easy weight management. It is advised as always, junk food are to be kept to a minimum and a balanced diet followed by regular exercise is recommended.

Endomorphs, generally have greater difficulty in weight management and fat loss. Endomorphs are advised to undergo strength training. Endomorphs naturally have strong thighs which are great for squats and deadlifts. Deadlifts and squats are the highest calorie burning techniques, effectively promoting faster metabolism. Moderate weights with fast intervals and minimal rests are suggested. Diet should consist of lowered calorie intake with a split meal system. Junk food should be avoided.
Cardiovascular exercises are recommended, when it is safe to do so.

Body type definitions referred by a student currently studying a Masters of Clinical Pharmacy at Monash. 

Somatotype activity summaries

As mentioned, there is no such thing as being of a single somatotype, I am a Endomorph cross Mesomorph. I spent quite some time in addressing what body type I was before I moved onto developing a more sophisticated workout routine. I formed a routine consisting of both cardio and weight training focussed workouts. HIIT workouts were later on incorporated to help me build a better form.

Now that you know what somatotype you are, what's your goal? Have you considered how you might like to achieve your goal?


  1. Hello that potato and Kwongie. I'm a 16 year old female. I have some questions my personal trainer hasn't really been able to help me out on. I have a regular and consistent exercise routine followed by a balanced diet. Two years ago I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and so stopped all of my tennis competitions and involvement (which I have been in since seven) so I can focus on my last year of piano. At the start of the year I realized I have been putting on a large amount of weight and struggling to manage my figure. In the process of my weight gain, my energy levels and concentration was affected greatly. Only recently was I diagnosed with a hypothyroidism. I have entered into a new diet and fitness routine which has helped my weight management drastucally. But he question here is. Is there a way I can fix my body clock that was affected by my exhaustive body and thus resulting in not being able to sleep well at night at he same time making each sleep more effective( energy wise ). Another question is a About my body. I used to be a size 8 and because of my thyroid issue my thighs and butt have been retaining a lot of fat. I can't lose it no matter hat. My boyfriend compliments me on my upper body a lot. Just my bium and legs. Can you help? Please.

    1. Hello Anon,

      Thank you for your question and following That Potato.

      I had two friends last year during our final years of secondary studies that were diagnosed with hypthyroidism similar to your age, one had a balanced diet and regularly exercises, the other does not exercise. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are hair loss, scaly and dry skin, weakness, fatigue, cold intolerance, forgetfulness, confusion, increase/irregular menstrual flow, muscle cramps, easily irritable and weight gain. Both of my friends had many of these symptoms, one even had difficulty breathing. Both of their doctors that diagnosed them with hypothyroidism suspected study stress and poor immune was the blame, with a slight possibility of genetics playing a role.

      In addressing your scenario, a friend of mine currently studying a Bachelor of Medicine from Bonds University has been contacted, we had discussed your scenario with her mentor. Her mentor emphasised that a balanced diet is essential with a large variety, but some foods are best kept to a minimum. It was advised genetically modified and processed soy to be avoided as processed soy suppresses thyroid function and causes imbalances in hormones, same goes for canola oil. Estrogen levels in women are recommended to be carefully monitored, control estrogen levels by increasing fiber intake and avoiding non-organic meats (includes non free range and eggs), as growth hormones can cause estrogen imbalances. Fluoride found in soft drinks and toothpaste suppresses thyroid and thyroid function. Iodine deficit is a common cause of thyroid issues; the thyroid depends on iodine to function properly. Foods that are high in iodine are; sea weeds, cranberries, organic yoghurt, organic navy beans and organic strawberries.

      Bonds University medical mentor also suggested morning activities to help your body clock to rewind itself to a preferred time. Minimal artificial light exposure before sleep is recommended to reduce excess brainwave activity to a minimum, helping one achieve deeper sleep.

      After hearing some expert opinion, I personally have experienced difficulty with my energy levels, losing focus during my final years of secondary followed by a terrible body clock, napping after school and sleeping late. I fixed the problem by simply going for morning runs and exposing myself to the natural sunlight. My musculoskeletal pains happened to disappear along with my morning runs. A few articles I read had mentioned it is best to run in the morning as one has been resting the body and exhausted muscle groups and joints have recovered. I suggest heading out for a morning run as soon as possible. The hardest part is the first few days of getting out of bed. There are also many positive benefits from morning runs as there will be less pollution, more effective fat burning effects as morning runs elevates metabolism, increased energy levels throughout the day, stress relief and some personal time before the day ahead.

      Your body should not be the prime reason you are working so hard for, your health should be the reason. That said your boyfriend shouldn’t be either, but it is always great to have someone there beside you. Your size does not matter, it is merely just a number, you are at the age of puberty, being 16 it is normal for a girl to develop bigger thighs and hips, in the end you are maturing as a woman. There is a point where specific areas in various people will stop losing fat. The fat retention in the thighs and gluteals are best stimulated through squats. Here are a few routines I help my friends with; it’s ideal for girls like you wishing to go further.

    2. 5 Minutes a day
      30 seconds each workout
      -Front Lunges
      -Donkey Kicks (Both Sides)
      -Flutter Kicks
      -Leg Extensions

      For a challenge bring it up to ten seconds each.

      Grabbing a bar and some weights are fine with this workout, just remember, squatting with weights can turn quite ugly without proper formation, always consult your personal trainer before using weights. Uphill and steps are also recommended as they work on gluteals, abs and legs.

      On another note, great work with handling the hypothyroidism, keep it up!

      I hope this has helped.

      If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

      Here are a few of the articles I mentioned.


  2. Sweet! Thanks for the quick reply! Everything you and your friend suggested sounds reasonable, I guess. Glad meds aren't involved. Will des give it a shot soon. Just ooone more question. So if my butt and thighs are beginning to develop as I think puberty is probably kicking in.:s. does that mean id be bigger and broader with a larger chest? .... Sorry if its tmi. Oh and I tried the little irk out you mentioned. Feeling pretty sore on my thighs:s.

  3. Pleasure.

    Glad you tried the work out. Keep it up. Your thighs won't be sore for too long. Results are well worth it.

    Honestly speaking, i know very little in how to answer your question about the changes in puberty. It all varies from person to person. When you mentioned bigger and broader do you mean your torso? If so, your shoulders and chest may or may not change as much as your hips do. It depends on genetics, environment, and you.

    As for your concern about your thighs. Body shape vary in both men and women. Mens body shape is apple shaped and women are pear shaped, where men have a larger torso and women tend to have a slimmer waist but with wider hips and thighs.

    I hope that is helpful to you.




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