Monday 27 August 2012

0 Nuts

Lets start light.

Before I took a step into shaping a healthier me and dropping the 'couch potato' image. I started off by changing my appetite with snacks. Yes. that's right. Snacks. Instead of snacking on chips and a chocolate bars, I snacked on nuts and berries. In this post, I'd like to share a little trick. A trick that can help you go along way. Helping you change your hunger cravings, appetite and metabolism.

It isn't always easy to control hunger cravings. We all like to snack and nibble on something, whether you're at work or simply in a lecture hall. Snacking on what may seem to be a small pack of chips or sweets can greatly pull you back from reaching your goal. Instead of chocolate and sweets, have you tried snacking on berries and nuts?

Did you know. Walnuts are regarded as the healthiest nut, having a large range
of nutrients packed into a weird little nut. They provide twice as many beneficial antioxidants
compared to other nuts. According to a report in Food and Function. Seven whole walnuts
can provide you with a recommended daily amount of antioxidants and nutrients.

Berries on the other hand are also good for you. Needless to say of course. A study conducted
by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the States, found that a high intake of flavonoid rich berries can delay memory incline in older women by 2.5 years. Yes 2.5 years of extra memory from indulging in your favourite strawberries and blueberries. Too easy.

Not only will nuts and berries help you nutritionally, snacking on nuts and berries helps your metabolism and appetite. Nuts and berries that are processed free of additional salt and sweeteners can help your body absorb vitals minerals and vitamins. Whereas salty chips and chocolates deprive your body of essential nutrients which will result in your body being in a continuous hungry state due to a lack of nutritious supply.

Next time you're doing the groceries. Instead of picking up a block of chocolate, why not buy some nuts and berries, mix it up a bit, keep things interesting and buy a variety of nuts and berries.

Try to avoid nuts and berries that have extra salt, sugar or artificial ingredients. Toasted nuts and dried berries is what I aim for extra flavour.

RSC Publishing article from Food and Function-Walnuts Research

Brigham and Womens Hospital-Berry Research

What are some snacks you substitute sweets and chips for?

0 Who is "that potato"?

You can call me, Kwongie.
A 5’1, 52.3 KG young Australian male. Struggling to maintain a consistent fitness routine. A survivor of being a couch potato. 

Inspired to motivate those who enjoy sports but struggle to keep to a routine or fitness level just like myself. I personally have struggled with fitness lows after exam periods, holiday trips and from the general flu.

Wishing to motivate those like myself who struggle to maintain a fitness level with everyday activities and series of events. I will incorporate my knowledge and experience in my history of fitness routines and training styles followed through by various mates of mine who are currently studying and the few are working professionally as nutritionist, a personal trainer and a chiropractor. I’m only a first year Public Relations student; I’m not very ‘credible’ if I were to tell you what is the perfect workout and fitness regime.

I hope with my experience and years lacking the much-needed motivation, I can help motivate those around me incorporating my mate’s knowledge and advice; who are working professionally in the field discussed or currently studying the profession.
Unlike many fitness and motivation blogs and websites pumped full of testosterone with every line and phrase echoing Arnolds voice. This blog will be friendly to both Ladies and Gents. Primarily addressing the couch potato issue we all have. Here at “That Potato” you will find weekly facts and myth busters, along with motivation ideas and routines to help keep you going.

Hold on, keep reading.

Before I let you wander around the blog, please keep in mind hard work does pay off. When you begin your journey into whatever fitness goal you are aiming for, please keep your health and wellbeing as priority. Having the “perfect” physique with poor health defeats the purpose of all the hard work. Training with drugs is a no no. Skipping meals and nutritious foods are not on, not sleeping well, you know it. NO. Training well, eating healthy and having sufficient sleep is vital to good health, and it will be reflected in your physique in the long run.

Hard work pays off.

New topics will be posted for weekly discussion every Monday. 
Suggestions are based on common practices and suggestions from training professionals and professionals. Please consult your dietitian and/or trainer for best advice tailored for you. 

That potato. Copyright © 2011